Welcome Arbortext Users!
Our community is strong and very large.. The last Arbortext User Group International Conference (before the acquisition by PTC) was held in 2004 had 800 attendees. As of 2017, our LinkedIn group has over 1000 members.
You can find more information on our wordpress blog which was created recover and preserve Arbortext information that has historically been tribal.
We no longer have active meetings. However, we have stored records of previous meetings on our YouTube Channel.
Looking to Get Arbortext?
We highly recommend you select a qualified Arbortext partner to work with:
- List of Qualified Arbortext Resellers: Everything Arbortext in One Place
If you're not working with one of the companies listed on that page, you're working with an unqualified partner (Just our opinion, but it's a good one)
Books about Arbortext
Get the only books about Arbortext written by someone who started as a customer. You can do it all yourself. We all did and so can you.
Our History
The Arbortext name came from a merging of the city name where their original HQ was located (Ann Arbor, MI) plus "text".
- History of Arbortext - A collection of memories, pictures, etc, directly from users who were there then.
- First Arbortext website (via wayback machine)
- We were part of PTC/User before they passed control of their organization back to PTC and we got shut out again. We appreciate them for initially supporting Arbortext User activities at the user conference before they handed control over to PTC. PTC now runs all the conference events worldwide.
- Throughout it all, Single-Sourcing Solutions, Inc., the dedicated PTC Arbortext VAR in the United States, has provided ongoing support for coordinating logistics, hosting, meetings, and generous financial and administrative support for our activities.